Month: August 2023

Accessing Cisco 7925 Web Interface

Sometimes you get so lucky to work for an organization that still have Cisco 7925 wireless phones in the environment. You’re SOL when they decommission all your Windows servers and no longer have any system with Internet Explorer 11 (Yes, yes, yes I know what you mean.)

Instead of modifying your go-to daily web browser’s security setting (Firefox, Chrome or Edge), try to get something else like Pale Moon and modify that instead.

Go to about:config

To address the TLS 1.0 concern, change the security.tls.version.min to 1

To address the SSL_ERROR_BAD_MAC_ALERT error message, change the security.tls.insecure_fallback_hosts to the IP address of the Cisco 7925 phone

Now do yourself a favor and submit a budget to replace all of your Cisco 7925’s.

Filed under: Cisco