My 16 GB Ubuntu partition has ran of out space. Disk usage analyzer claims that /var/cache/apt is using 669 MB. Time to clean it up my apt with apt-get clean
! Basically, apt-get clean removes .deb packages that apt caches when you install or update programs.
elton@laptop:/var/cache$ du -hs
du: cannot read directory `./ldconfig': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory `./lightdm/dmrc': Permission denied
743M .
elton@laptop:/var/cache$ sudo !!
sudo du -hs
743M .
elton@laptop:/var/cache$ sudo apt-get clean
elton@laptop:/var/cache$ sudo du -hs
A few other options:
to remove partial packages from the system
apt-get autoclean
apt-get autoremove
to remove packages installed as dependencies after the original package is removed